URL Encoder / Decoder - URL Percent Encoding and Decoding


Info about URL Encoder / Decoder

Online Url Encoder and Decoder

URL Encoder/Decoder Tool is a Free SEO Tool that allows to Decode a string that has been URL encoded. This is useful when you want to add special characters to a URL parameter.




Our online URL encoder can assist you with either encoding or decoding URLs. In the text field, type or upload the URL, then click the "Encode" or "Decode" button to encode or decode it.

Online URL Encoder is a tool that allows you to change the URL of a

Super SEO Plus offers the best and fastest online URL encoder/decoder tool for free!

This online encoder/decoder is very useful when you want to add uncommon characters to a URL parameter, which is sometimes referred to as percent encoding. Unauthorized characters are replaced by a percentage (percentage sign) and two more hexadecimal integers as part of the URL encoding method. You wish to know about an email campaign or the source of the newsletter during URL decoding.

What is the best way to use this encoder/decoder online URL?


The URL encoder/decoder utility is available for free on the internet. When you paste a string into the space provided on the https://superseoplus.com/url-encoder-decoder link, super seo plus Tools will work. All you have to do is click the "Encode" or "Decode" button, and the results will appear immediately.


This comes in handy when you need to convert a hardly legible JavaScript URL to a readable reading text. A non-alpha numerical letter or character that is encoded as a percentage (percent sign) is frequently found in the URL, followed by a few alphanumeric letters. The "+" symbol is then used to represent white spaces in a text.


Only the ASCII character set can be used to send URLs over the Internet. Because these URLs contain characters that are not part of the ASCII character set, they must be converted to an ASCII format that can be used. A per cent sign followed by two hexadecimal values is utilised to substitute hazardous ASCII characters in this URL. A plus sign (+) or a percentage of 20 is used as a space substitute in URL coding.


What is the difference between a URL and a URL that has been decoded?


In most cases, URL encoding is utilised in the query string or the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) (URI). Users simply want to use URL encoding with certain symbols. This free online URL Encoder/Decoder tool will encode or decode your URL for you.

What does URL encoding have to do with it?


According to the RFC 1738 URL specification, a URL can only have a certain amount of characters. The following characters are listed in alphabetical order:

What exactly is the purpose of URL encoding?


online URL encoding, often known as per cent-encoding, is a method of encoding special information in a Unified Resource Identifier (URI) (URI). While it is commonly referred to as a URL, it is more commonly used within the main URL set, which includes both the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and the Uniform Resource Name (URL) (URN).


This type of online URL encoding is also used to prepare data for HTTP queries and to submit HTML form data.


An ISO character set with a per cent sign (per cent) and a two-digit hexadecimal value shall be used to replace all characters to be modified. The following are some examples:

What are the different sorts of URI characters?


The characters that can be used in a URI are classified as reserved or unreserved (or a percent sign as part of a percent-encoding). The characters marked with an asterisk (*) are characters with particular meaning. A slash character, which is commonly used to divide multiple components of a URL, is an ideal example. Characters that are left unreserved, on the other hand, have no special meaning.


The reserved characters are represented using a unique character arrangement and a percentage encoding. The sets of reserved characters and the criteria under which specific reserved characters have a special significance have changed marginally with each revision of the standards that govern URIs and URI schemes.


What is unreserved character percent coding, and how does it work?


If a character from the reserved set has special meaning in a certain context, and a URI scheme specifies that the character's use for another reason is important, the character must be encoded by percent.


When a reserved character is coding percentage, it is generally translated to its ASCII byte value and then expressed as a pair of hexadecimal integers. In the URI, the digits before a percent (percent) sign are thus utilised instead of the reserved character. And for those that aren't ASCII, it's usually converted to its byte scheme in UTF-8, and then every byte value is represented, as previously said.


Reserved characters that do not have a reserved purpose in a particular context can also be percentage-coded, but they are semantically equivalent to those that are not. Let's have a look at an example: "/" is still a reserved character, but it usually serves no purpose unless a URI scheme specifies otherwise. As a result, if the purpose is not reserved, a character does not need to be encoded in percentages.

Characters that aren't reserved don't need to be percent encoded.


By definition, URIs that differ only in whether or not an unreserved character is physically encoded are equal, albeit URI mainframes may not be able to distinguish between them. For maximum interoperability, URI designers are advised to avoid using unreserved characters.


Is it possible to encode the % character as a percentage?


Percent-encoded octets are already represented by the percent character (percent). "percent-25" must be used to encode the percentage character (percentage).

What is the definition of arbitrary percent encoding data?


As URI components, several URI systems include arbitrary data representations, such as an IP address or a specific file system path.


All URI characters, as well as any other possible data values represented by them, should be clearly mapped in the URI scheme requirements.


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