Website Design or Redesign Cost in 2022?

09/02/2022 12:00 AM a Admin a Website creation

How Much Does a Website Design or Redesign Cost in 2022?


How much for website design

Before you get started on the redesign of your website, here is everything you need to know about the investment involved.

What will your website redesign cost?

Your company's website is the single most important tool that you have for making sales and attracting customers.  It serves as the nerve center of your inbound marketing strategy, and it is the first thing that potential customers want to investigate before making a purchase or even getting in touch with a member of your staff.

Websites for companies are, on the whole, seeing improvements as a result of their growing awareness of the significance of inbound marketing. They are more useful, faster, more streamlined, and compatible with mobile devices.  This is wonderful news for the end user, but it makes the job of the marketer significantly more difficult.

In this environment, we are all forced to step up our game if we want to stand out from our competitors.  This leads us to the inevitable project that all modern businesses will at some point or another face, which is the redesign of their respective websites.

The price of redesigning a website can range from as little as a few hundred dollars if the work is done by the website owner themselves to millions of dollars for a sophisticated website that is built from scratch for an organization that operates at the enterprise level.

Because many companies are unsure of how much they should pay for a website redesign or what they should anticipate receiving in exchange for their investment, we have made the decision to provide a definitive response to this question.

In the following, we will classify your expenditures as falling into one of three categories:

This article should give you a good idea of what to anticipate, regardless of where you're starting from or the size of your financial commitment.


Why web design costs have increased

Just like the price of anything else, the cost of redesigning a website is primarily determined by the supply and demand for such services.  When the internet was still in its infancy, businesses did not fully comprehend the significance of having a website, and as a result, they were not willing to pay a premium for one.

When a company is planning to launch a new product or service, one of the first things they think about is creating a website.  In point of fact, many would-be business owners narrow down their list of possible company names by considering which domains are still available and what the resulting URL will look like.

Obviously, an increase in demand is not the only factor at play here, though.

Websites today are more advanced than ever before

As more time has passed, web designers have been able to refine their processes and take advantage of increasingly sophisticated tools.  On the one hand, website builders such as Squarespace and Wix make it much simpler than ever before to produce a website that looks passable.  On the other hand, if you want to create a website that is truly first class and strategic, you will need to put in more work than ever before.

The websites of today include live chat so that users can instantly get in contact with your company, self-selection tools to show users the right services and products to solve their problems, and even calculators to show users how much money they can save, grow, transform, etc. when working with your team.

In addition to that, the requirements to have a website that is optimized have become significantly stricter.  It is more important than ever to place a strong emphasis on a page's load time, accessibility, and overall user experience.

Whether you choose to redesign your website on your own, work with a freelancer, or collaborate with an agency, the price of the project can be affected by all of these different factors.

In this article, we're going to take a look at three of the most common approaches.

There are three options available to you for building your website: building it yourself using an online tool, hiring a freelancer, or hiring an agency.

The cost of doing your own website redesign

Creating a website on your own or redesigning an existing one by using a template is typically the least expensive option.  It may be as little as a few hundred dollars or as much as three thousand dollars or even more, but the real cost here is the amount of time and hassle that is required.

In general, the less money you spend, the more time and hassle you can expect to deal with in order to get the site how you want it, and it's likely that it won't be exactly how you want it to be if you don't know how to code. If you do know how to code, you can expect to get the site exactly how you want it.

Many new businesses have to begin on a modest scale because they begin with restricted budgets and cannot hire a web developer.  ThemeForest provides users with a wide variety of reasonably priced website themes to choose from (especially those designed for WordPress), with prices typically ranging from $30 to $100.

There is a wide range of variation across those themes in terms of their functionality, performance, and ease of use. While you are browsing through the themes, keep the following in mind.

As soon as you locate a theme that satisfies your requirements, you should make certain that it has been given a large number of positive reviews, that it has a solid track record, and that it enables you to make edits without requiring any kind of technical expertise on your part.

One more well-liked alternative is to use a website builder like Elementor, which is essentially an upgraded version of the back-end editor for your website and can be installed on WordPress.  This makes it simple for you to generate content and modify the visual aspects of your theme by providing you with a selection of modules and widgets, each of which comes with its own set of options for formatting and styling the content it generates.

After you have finished installing the framework, you will be able to choose a theme that corresponds to the look and feel that you want to accomplish.

When compared to the framework of other, less expensive themes on the market, Elementor's is leagues ahead of the competition.  They have a wonderful appearance, are friendly to mobile devices, are optimized for search engines, and are simple to operate.  Take a look at the themes that they offer here; many of them will seem familiar to you because a great number of websites use the same themes.

Elementor is available for use on a trial basis for free, but upgrading to the Pro level will cost you $49 per year for one site and will grant you access to more advanced widgets, templates, support, and other features.

There is, however, an option that is significantly superior to this one that provides even more integration and marketing-related capabilities.

We strongly suggest that you use HubSpot's CMS Hub, which has a monthly cost of $300.  They offer a wide variety of themes that can be customized, or you can use their drag-and-drop builder to create a brand new theme from the ground up.  Additionally, CMS Hub has everything built in that you require, from search engine optimization to content management, so there is very little need for add ons.

CMS Hub powers our very own website, and we couldn't be happier with the service.

The cost of hiring a freelancer for a website redesign

After you've gotten the hang of building your own website, the next step up is to look into hiring a freelance website designer.  Freelancers come in a wide range of skill levels and will price their services accordingly.

You will be able to find a freelancer who will charge anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 for a simple website, and upwards of $10,000 to $20,000 (or more) for a larger website with a variety of template designs and custom features, in addition to a more professional aesthetic than you may be able to create on your own. The cost will vary depending on the goals that you have for the website.

Your experience will vary even more depending on the background of the freelancer you work with as well as the specifics of the project you are working on.  If, for instance, your freelancer is extremely talented and can build you a custom self-selection tool such as a product configurator, or if you choose to go through a branding exercise with them, your costs may go even higher than that.

When working with a freelancer, you can probably anticipate receiving a design that is both aesthetically pleasing and functionally sound, devoid of any obvious design flaws.  They will most likely use your ideas, devise a few mockups for you to consider, and then construct the model that you find to be the most appealing before moving on to the next step.

In the majority of situations, the primary focus of the freelance designer is on delivering the aesthetic appeal that you describe to them while also suggesting certain features to improve the user experience.

One of the major drawbacks is that working with freelancers can be more hit or miss.  If they are handling everything themselves or are working on multiple projects at once, the project could take significantly longer, and they might not be able to offer much insight beyond their knowledge of design and development.

If you're not in the DIY kind of mood, it's likely that you'll be able to find a freelancer who can work within your financial constraints at the end of the day.  Just keep in mind that the size and complexity of your project will determine whether or not your price will go up or down.

The cost of hiring an agency for a website redesign

The second alternative is to hire a company to handle the redesign of your website.  This provides you with access to a team of seasoned experts who likely have prior experience working with goals comparable to yours and designing websites to accommodate those goals. On the other hand, a website redesign done in collaboration with an agency will run you the most money.

A more straightforward redesign of a website can cost anywhere from $15,000 to $30,000 depending on the size of the site, whereas redesigning websites with a high page count, customized functionality, and more specific requirements can cost anywhere from $40,000 to $75,000 or more.

When compared to the other choices, this one might appear ridiculous, but working with an agency encompasses a lot more than just the surface level of design.  In order to assist you in accomplishing your objectives, marketing firms invest the same amount of time and effort into your website's content, user experience, conversion rate optimization, and everything else that contributes to the website's value as an asset to your business.

The amount of planning and strategy that goes into creating a lead generation machine that is both powerful and efficient for your company is one of the things that sets an agency apart from the majority of freelance web designers.

A typical agency will assist you in mapping out the architecture of your sitemap in order to provide you with an understanding of the structure of your website as well as how users will navigate through it.  They will also look at your historical data to make recommendations on what they believe will work best for your particular users.  This is done with the intention of minimizing the amount of friction that a user experiences throughout their journey.

You won't just have access to a single, limited resource; rather, you'll have access to a variety of experts who can draw from the years of experience they've accumulated collectively in areas such as design, development, strategy, content, testing, and more.

It is well worth your time to talk with a few different agencies, whether or not you have the funds to hire one, in order to find out what choices are open to you.

Continuous improvement through growth-driven design

Exciting as it may be to launch a new website design or redesign, this does not mean that you should ignore your website until you have another opportunity to redesign it in three or four years.

Another advantage of working with an agency is having access to their highly qualified staff of professionals.

Growth driven design.  This is a process for redesigning websites that enables you to build a stronger website on a month-to-month basis by utilizing user data to assist in making improvements to the user experience.

Your website requires water, light, care, and attention in the exact same ways that a plant does in order to grow strong and flourish.  It needs to be monitored, regularly updated, and recalibrated in order to not only reflect the changes that have occurred in your company but also to fulfill the ever-evolving requirements of your customer.

I know what you're thinking, which is that this seems to have a high price tag.  Additionally, it is true that you will need to make an investment in order to continuously improve your website.

Depending on how aggressive your goals are and how much focus you are willing to put into research and updates, you can expect to pay anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 per month for a growth-driven design retainer with an agency. This range is dependent on how much you are willing to spend each month.

If you decide to go this route, you will collaborate with the agency team on a quarterly basis to determine the most important areas of your website that need improvement based on user data. In order to achieve better results, you will plan various tests and experiments.  You will make changes to the site's design, copy, and user experience in order to give your users the website they want.

Growth-driven design is a process that involves collaboration and gives your team the ability to concentrate on the aspects of your website that will bring the greatest amount of improvement to your clients.

How does content affect the cost of your website redesign?

Your website's content is one of the most important aspects of the redesign you're working on.

It is what drives your user to take action, what positions your company as a thought leader and an expert that buyers should trust, and what gets your website ranked in the search engines.

At its most fundamental level, the purpose of your website is to connect with your potential customers and educate them about the products and services you provide.  No one is going to be convinced to buy based solely on the design of your product unless you are also offering some kind of design service to them. Your value proposition will be communicated to the reader through the content.

The content of a redesign is also one of the aspects that takes the most time to complete.

Instead of designing your website first and then filling it in with content, we recommend taking a content first approach to the challenge of content.  This means that you build your website around your content, rather than designing your website first and then filling it in with content.

However, in a world where most businesses want their websites redesigned as soon as possible, a more practical approach would be to first concentrate on the 20% of your website that generates 80% of the value for your user, and then to continue to update the rest of your site (and your content) after you have relaunched your website.

Your ability to effectively deliver your message and improve the user experience are both aided by a good design, but if there is no content, the design will be meaningless.

Content when building your website yourself

If you are redesigning your own website, the first thing you should do is create an outline of all of the pages that you want to include on your website. Next, you will need to compose the actual content that will go on each of those pages.

In this way, when you are evaluating different themes for your website, you will be able to select the design that accommodates your content strategy the most effectively.

Content when working with freelancers and agencies

A significant number of independent web designers will either already be working with a copywriter or will be pleased to cooperate with a copywriter that you find and hire separately.  In either case, it is important to check that both parties are on the same page before moving forward with the process, as it will require some dialogue between the two of them.

There are many different ways that agencies can assist you in the process of content creation; these include having an in-house content writer, writing the content for you, or utilizing an outsourced network of writers.

It is not an easy task to write copy for a large website because you are essentially writing the book about your company. Because of this, you should give it the same level of importance as other aspects of your company.

Rather than working on all of the content at once, it may be more beneficial to concentrate on redesigning the most important pages first, then working on improving the rest of the site over time.

The cost of your content will vary greatly depending on the size of your website, the quantity of content, the required level of expertise, and whether you choose to create the content yourself or hire someone else to do it.

When searching for the appropriate content for your website, you should be prepared to spend anywhere from a few hundred to thousands of dollars.

Putting the price of your website into perspective

Imagine that you have recently hired a new salesperson who is dedicated to promoting your company to potential customers in a manner that is impeccable at all times of the day and night.  If you provide this salesperson with the appropriate resources, they will continue to improve with only minimal supervision and assistance from you.

At midnight, if a prospect wants information about your company, your star employee is there with a big smile and all of the information that the prospect desires even though you are sleeping.

Imagine for a moment that this new sales rep has decided that he or she does not want to be paid on commission, does not want to be paid a salary, and could not care less about any of the benefits that your company provides.  All that they ask for is a one-time payment of $40,000 and a few thousand dollars on a monthly basis to maintain their level of expertise.

Would that be worth it to you?

Naturally, that would be the case. This is an example of what a fantastic website for a company can look like.

Because of the rise of the internet, inbound marketing has emerged as the most effective method of marketing, and your website serves as the cornerstone of your inbound marketing strategy.

There isn't a living person who can do what a fantastic website can for your company, and yet a surprising number of companies view their website as one of the first places to look for ways to save money.

Humans will always play irreplaceable roles in business, and exceptional workers are deserving of the high salaries they command; however, where else can you get the incredible return on investment (ROI) that is offered by a robust website that has been well designed?

Your website is the most knowledgeable and cost-effective salesperson that you could ever hope to hire. Be respectful toward it.





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