Working Youtube to MP3 Converter

Why is Youtube to MP3 Converter Not working?
As far as I know, there are always some limitations for good services.
Here is the best solution and the best alternative that worked at least for me. I hope this will help everyone!
Using our advanced online YouTube converter, you can easily convert any YouTube video to MP3. Before downloading, you can listen to the converted MP3 file.
This online converter tool has been designed and optimized for use on any mobile device, tablet, or computer. This is a free service that anyone, anywhere can use.
Limitations of the converter and mp3 quality
Limitation: Because limits are always necessary for good service, Our converter does not convert videos that are longer than one hour in length (3600 sec). The benefit of this limitation is that our tool is not overloaded, so converting 5 minutes of video takes only 20-30 seconds.
Quality of Converted Mp3: We never, ever compromise on quality. That's why, even though YouTube provides the highest quality audio, we convert it to MP3 without sacrificing quality.
Due to the high demand from converter users, our team decided to further improve our converter tool to include multiple quality variants such as 32kbps, 64kbps, 128kbps, 192kbps, 256kbps, and 320kbps, ensuring that you can use that service right away.
3 Simple Steps to Download and Convert YouTube to Mp3
A step-by-step explanation of how a YouTube to MP3 converter works, as well as methods for downloading and listening to converted mp3 files.
For those who use computers:
Navigate to "YouTube."
Copy the YouTube video link that you want to convert to MP3 format.
To copy a video link, press Ctrl+C or right-click on the URL and select Copy Link Location from the right-click menu.
Users of mobile devices:
Launch the YouTube app.
Tap on the video you want to convert to mp3 and play it.
Now, on the right side of the like-dislike icon, click the Share Icon.
It's as simple as clicking the Copy Link icon.
Copy the YouTube link and paste it into the convert box, then click the Convert button.
Click the Download button.
When the conversion is finished, a Download and Play Status button for the converted file will appear.
Is there any software or registration required?
NO, you do not need to install any additional software or mobile apps on your device to use our online converter tool, and there is no need to register. By using our service, you agree to our terms of service.
The best free tool to use for free is here