SSL Checker - Check SSL Certificate Free - SUPERSEOPLUS

SSL Checker - Check SSL Certificate Free - SUPERSEOPLUS

SSL Checker : Verification of the SSL Certificate
SSL Certificate Checker Tool: Some Background Information
What exactly is an SSL?

Secure Sockets Layer is abbreviated to SSL in computer parlance. It is a common security mechanism that creates a secure connection between a web server and a browser. This connection may then be used to transmit sensitive information.

A connection using SSL encrypts the data so that it cannot be read by unauthorized parties. The TLS is another name for the SSL (Transport Layer Security).

The website can transition from using HTTP to using HTTPS once it has been issued an SSL certificate. An SSL is a data file that is hosted on the origin server of the website and is responsible for enabling SSL and TLS encryption. It possesses both a public key and a private key in its key pair.

A secure encrypted connection can be produced by using these keys in conjunction with one another. The word "subject," which refers to the identification of the person who owns the certificate or website, is also included in the certificate.

Why is it necessary for me to have an SSL certificate?

The rise in the number of risks to computer security has led to an increased focus on user safety. According to a survey conducted by, 68 percent of internet users believe that the laws that are now in place are not adequate to protect their rights.

As a result, the world's most popular search engine, Google, declared in 2014 that HTTPS would be considered a ranking indication. If you want people to believe that your website is credible and reputable in today's world.

Do you want to increase sales, revenue, and customer loyalty, as well as rank better on search engine results pages (SERPs)? It is mandatory that you have an SSL certificate operational on your website.

An SSL certificate is helpful for protecting your clients' personal information if you conduct online business, particularly if you sell products or services or if you let users or customers create accounts on your website.

The following are some of the reasons why it is important for every website owner to serve their websites over HTTPS on the internet.

Verification of a website's identity can be obtained through the use of an SSL certificate. The authentication that this method provides is critical to the success of the online safety measures. Verification of a website is equivalent to verifying an account on a social networking platform.

However, because your website has an SSL certificate, it is impossible for any other website to create a copycat version of it. That makes it possible for consumers to tell the difference between authentic and fake websites, which assists them in filtering out explicit phony sites.

Performance: Newer versions of SSL can decrease the amount of time it takes for a page to load. SSL enables HTTPS/2, which speeds up the website by a factor of two while requiring no changes to the website's codebase.

According to Google, the speed of a web page is an important component of the overall user experience, and it has a direct bearing on the conversion rate. According to the findings of the study, web pages that loaded in 2.4 seconds or less had a conversion rate of 1.9%.

Improved search ranking achieved by: When it comes to Google, the user is the boss, and when it comes to the user, protecting their privacy is important. Websites that are served over HTTPS receive a higher ranking in Google's search engine results pages (SERPs).

The vast majority of people who use the internet are of the opinion that the laws that are now in place are insufficient to guarantee their privacy when using the internet. As a result, they never feel comfortable disclosing any of their information, whether it be related to their credit card or any other aspect of their personal life, on the internet.

SSL is used to create an encrypted link between a server and a client, most commonly between a website's server and the browser that accesses the website. It ensures that no one may go at the data of the consumers.

Encrypting traffic with SSL helps users have more faith in your website since it displays a padlock icon in the address bar of their browser. Additionally, it ensures that unauthorized third parties, such as cybercriminals and thieves that operate online, cannot access the data.

Regulatory compliance: SSL is a vital component in PCI compliance. SSL certificates will typically come equipped with a complete 256-bit encryption key, which is practically impossible for hackers to decipher. As a result, there is absolutely no chance that confidential information will be shared. It wouldn't be incorrect to describe SSL certificates the backbone of PCI DSS given the heavily-armed protection that they provide for businesses. 

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard is abbreviated as PCI DSS for your reference.

How does one go about obtaining an SSL certificate?

To get an SSL certificate and verify it using ssl checker

On the server, you should generate a certificate signing request, or CSR. On your server, a key pair consisting of a public and a private key will be generated as a result of this operation.
The public key is included in the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) data file that is sent to the SSL Certificate issuer, also known as the Certificate Authority (CA).

The data structure that corresponds to your private key is constructed by the SSL Certificate issuer with the help of the CSR data file.

The CA is never privy to the private key's contents.

When you have received the SSL certificate, you should immediately install it on your server.

Your server's specific requirements will dictate the specific actions you need to follow in order to install and validate your SSL certificate.

The pre-installed list of trusted certificate authorities (CAs) in browsers is referred to as the Trusted Root CA store. The certificate can be generated by anybody, but web browsers only rely on those issued by organizations that are included on their list of trusted certificate authorities (CAs).

However, in order for a corporation to be a Certificate Authority and be included in the Trusted Root CA store, it is necessary for the company to conform with the authentication and security requirements that are practiced by browsers and to be audited against those standards.

How exactly does the SSL certificate ensure that a connection is safe to use?

A communication session that uses SSL will invariably start with a handshake. Asymmetric cryptography, which is used during the SSL handshake, makes it possible for a web browser to validate a web server by obtaining the server's public key.

Before any data transfer can begin, it establishes a safe connection between the two devices.

When a browser establishes a connection with a web server that is protected by SSL, the browser transmits the SSL version number, cipher settings, session-specific data, and any other information that the web server need in order to communicate securely with the client using SSL.

In response, the web server will provide a copy of its SSL certificate, which will contain the server's public key, SSL version number, cipher settings, and session-specific data.
The browser compares the certificate in question to the already present list of trusted certification authorities (CAs). It also checks to make sure that the certificate has not yet expired, that it has not been revoked, and that the common name it uses is appropriate for the domain to which it is connecting.

If the browser has faith in the certificate, it will use the server's public key to generate an encrypted symmetric session key, which it will then give back to the server.
After the server has received the encrypted symmetric session key, it decrypts it with its private key and then sends back a response that is encrypted with the session key in order to initiate an encrypted session.
Now, both the server and the browser encrypt all of the data that is being transmitted using the session key.

To begin, what exactly is an SSL checker?

The Secure Sockets Layer checker, also known simply as the SSL checker, is a piece of software that examines and verifies the correct installation of an SSL certificate on a web server. The SSL check verifies that the SSL certificate is trustworthy, that it is valid, and that it is operating appropriately.

The following instructions should be followed in order to examine the SSL certificate.

Launch the SSL Checker application.

The URL should be entered into the box that has been provided for it, and then the "Check SSL Certificate" button should be clicked.
Your query will be processed by the tool, and the results will be provided to you. These results will include the common name, the type of server, the issuer, the validity, the certificate chaining, and further certificate details.

Which protocol does my certificate use—SSL or TLS?

The usage of the SSL certificate has always been standard practice for the purpose of ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data during transmission. Only the version number was changed each time a new version was made available; everything else remained the same.

TLSv1.0 was the original name for the protocol, however it was changed to SSLv4.0 when it was upgraded from SSLv3.0. TLS is the next generation of security after SSL.




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