Stand Out From The Crowd: Viral Fiverr Gig Ideas That Make Money (2024)

03/29/2024 12:00 AM بواسطة Admin في Make money

Unique Fiverr Gigs That Go Viral

1. Introduction

Now, more than ever, in the Fiverr marketplace, it has been easier for an individual to make money online. While there are all kinds of services that people can sell, there are a select few that will bring in the big bucks. What am I referring to? I am talking about viral Fiverr gigs. The key to success on Fiverr is to go viral. Exponentially more money will be brought in for a viral gig than a non-viral gig. In this article, I will go over the power of a viral Fiverr gig and how to create one. First and foremost, we need to discuss what exactly a viral gig is. It is very possible on Fiverr to have average sales, around 5-10 a night, and then suddenly 100 sales in one day. This occurs when your gig has been taken to the Fiverr featured page. There are different featured pages for each category of gig. Getting your gig in the featured section for even a day can mean the difference between $30 and $300. At a rate of earning 8 dollars per sale, it is very possible to make a minimum of $80 a day with a gig that is in a Fiverr featured section. This is only the beginning though. Word of mouth takes place with featured Fiverr gigs. Users will discuss the gig in the Fiverr forums or start purchasing it and suggesting it to others because it is a good/fun/useful product or service. This leads to the gig being purchased by a lot of people in a short period of time. This is where very good things start to happen.

1.1 The Power of a Viral Fiverr Gig

Have you ever experienced creating a gig you were convinced was a surefire winner? So you create it, publish it, and wait for the orders to roll in. You might even pay for some impressions to get that conversion rate going. But after a few days, nothing. Maybe a click or two but no sales. Back to the drawing board. Or maybe you've been making a few sales, but the number of times you've had to edit or rework your gig order requirements is just a headache. If you're stuck in either of these two categories, you're not alone. This is the daily struggle of hundreds of Fiverr sellers, and it has a lot to do with the type of gig itself. When I say gig type or category, I don't mean whether you are a writer or a translator or a designer. I mean what is the service you are promising to deliver to your clients. Up until recent times, it wasn't very often that sellers would categorize one service into multiple gigs for various offers. Usually, the gig service was specific and had specific delivery instructions or 'what I will need from you'. Now this doesn't spell disaster; the problem stems from the way these gigs are being presented to potential buyers. The majority of sellers have their services stuck into several pages of text and scattered images, and a couple have brief explainer videos. You might spend your time emailing a potential buyer and convincing them to look at what you have to offer, and then there are the featured gigs which ultimately decide a gig's fate with the new l20 and l5 integrated ranking system (not to mention the $$$ spent paying for them). But how many have ever tried presenting their gig in a way that looks appealing enough to 'sell itself'? This is, in fact, the purpose of a Fiverr gig, and the lack of 'selling appeal' is what separates the successful gigs from the unsuccessful ones. And adding up those hours of sales persuasion – wouldn't it be better to just avoid that hassle anyway?

1.2 Benefits of Creating a Unique Fiverr Gig

However, if you create a truly unique gig that has never been seen before, and nobody else has thought of, you can actually create interest. People incredibly now will buy things 'they do not need' just out of curiosity. If your gig starts to trend in Fiverr, you can gain a lot of exposure. A viral video, for example, can achieve millions of hits in a day. By achieving front page status or simply gigging so many sales and reviews, it's time that you actually achieved the result you were looking for. You can then increase the price tag for your service and offer extras in gig for a more lucrative result. This won't work for everyone, but have often seen the example of a 'simple but amazing service' gig that is now a Level 2 or Top Rated seller offering similar services under a higher price.

Fiverr is an unpredictable and uncontrollable organic being. You can measure it with the number of unique gigs that are created here and the number of people who buy those gigs. There are literally gig ideas for everyone. Some of the craze caught on and they became instant hits. On the other hand, the 'copycat' nature of people try altering the same gig in slightly different ways. The end result? The same gig being offered 1 million times. This does not mean you should not use this approach since it’s a way of filtering out 'the best' gig.

2. Finding Your Niche

Step two is to make a presence on Fiverr itself by becoming involved in the community. The more helpful and active you are, the more people will recognize and be familiar with your username, to the point where they may just stop by your seller's page to check out what services you're offering. This is a classic example of successful brand marketing. An active user can also utilize contacts and friends on the site to help spread the word about their gig to other users. This method is safer than spamming random users with private messages, which may have negative results.

A great way to begin a marketing strategy is to determine exactly who your target customer is (which we did in the early stages of selecting a gig type). Take into consideration the type of user that is likely to need or want the service that you are offering, collect this data and compile it into a base of likely buyers. Understand that not all of these people will come across your gig in their everyday routine through the find gigs search feature on the Fiverr site. This is why promoting your gig on well-matched web outlets is very important. An example would be if a user is offering a hand-drawn futuristic art commission service; they would be smart to promote this gig on a science fiction or art forum. Ideally hitting precisely on the type of people that would be looking for a service like this. The more this user can localize and focus who they are promoting to, the better results they will yield.

With any entrepreneurial effort, careful consideration and planning of a strategy is crucial to yielding the best result. In respect to the Fiverr platform, it is important to understand that the site is an open market that is bigger than any one individual. Meaning that there is no possible way to promote your gig to all users at once. In understanding this, most of the site's promotion will need to be done by word of mouth and on the web to bring people to your gig page. This will require a bit more work than simply using the "Promote" feature in the "My Gigs" section of your seller's page, but the retention of the profits from the latter method make it a much more satisfying achievement.

The Key to Effectively Promoting Your Gig

2.1 Identifying Popular Fiverr Categories

Though it may sound counter-intuitive, new sellers are generally not advised to focus on the most popular categories. The problem with high volume categories is they tend to have a lot of sellers offering low quality work at low prices, which makes it harder for a new seller to stand out. High volume categories will also have a lot of buyers looking for high quality work at low prices, and these are not the types of seller-client relationships that lead to long term success on Fiverr. Focusing on a less saturated, high demand category is generally more conducive to building a positive reputation and recurring client base.

More advanced techniques involve utilizing the Excel export feature of Fiverr's search results. If you are seeing this post, hopefully you are familiar with the scrape feature of a software package such as Scrapebox. The popular tools and bookmarklets on Fiverr arbitrage and statistical analysis allow you to export key search results and establish pricing information across different categories. While such price elasticity studies and the like are beyond the scope of this post, you can take a simple first step of exporting Excel data for each category – sorting it by volume of some type, perhaps number of reviews – and doing a visual analysis on which categories are the most active.

Your success on Fiverr begins with choosing a niche in high demand, often one that you are passionate about or have existing skills to offer. Niche selection is also a continuous process of identifying what's in demand and differentiating yourself from other sellers. To first identify popular categories, you can try browsing the Fiverr forums to see what types of users are recruiting sellers in what categories. You can also hit the Fiverr homepage and drill down into each category and sub-category, taking note of the number of gigs each one has.

2.2 Researching High-Demand Services

The final consideration is what type of competition you wish to be up against. If the service is in high demand, you may need to undercut current competitors to draw attention to your gig. Although low competition items appear to be an easy way to make a sale, you don't want to be in a situation where there are very few sales of the service. Usually it is best to aim for a low to medium competition market, trying to improve the quality of service to steal sales from higher competition areas.

To determine what services are in demand, you will be looking at the current supply and competition of services. If the supply is much lower than the demand, there is potential to tap into the oversubscribed segment of the market. This means by identifying what the demand currently is. You need to look at what people are currently actively searching for when looking to purchase a service. This will be discovered by the various keyword search tools available. Look for a service with a lot of impressions and low to medium amount of clicks. This shows that people are looking for the service offered, but are not finding the quality of service they are after.

Once you have found a popular category, you need to identify which services within that category are in high demand. Research is the key to determining this, and the research you do here can dramatically increase your income from Fiverr (many times over) if you put the work in upfront.

2.3 Analyzing Competitors' Gigs

Of course, the aim here is not to plagiarize another seller's work. This is unethical and will damage your reputation on Fiverr. Rather, it is to assess the market and take bits and pieces that you can apply to your own venture. It's important to maintain originality and offer something new and better, or in a different way, to what is already available.

When looking at another person's gig, the most important thing to consider is: "Could I do this as well or better?" If the answer is no, then it's better to find another idea. If the answer is yes, consider why that is - what makes your skills better than theirs? Emphasizing this element in your gig could be a key to success.

When analyzing the types of gigs that are likely to be the most successful, one of the best methods for finding ideas is to look at what top sellers are doing. If you can either find a highly-rated seller who is doing something similar to what you want to do, or find a successful seller in a different area and apply what they are doing to your own gig, this can be a great source of inspiration.

3. Unleashing Your Creativity

Trends and pop culture have been mentioned as a method in the previous examples, and it is certainly an effective way to unleash creativity. Mixing a popular trend with an unlikely service can make a very unique gig. An example of this might be something like offering a Twitch emote commission service. Now this isn't particularly odd on its own, but following up with offering the emotes in the fashion of old video game sprites. It's an unusual and unique approach to a current trend in gaming and with the right marketing, could gain a lot of traction.

Thinking Outside the Box coined a term often overused, but never has it been more applicable than to Fiverr gigs. An out of the ordinary idea can result in an interesting and unique service that people didn't know they needed until they saw it. An example of this is a service that gained some notoriety in the Fiverr community: a man who would sing happy birthday in a banana suit. It's strange, it's different, and no one had seen anything like it before, but it's easy to see how this sort of idea could pick up a lot of attention and potentially go viral.

The previous examples of viral gigs on Fiverr all had one thing in common: they were unique and creative. This ties in to a concept I've mentioned before: consumers don't always know what they want. This is where creativity can be incredibly useful for a Fiverr seller. Unleashing your creativity on a service can be done in a number of different ways.

3.1 Thinking Outside the Box

The following are some ways in which you can enhance your ability to think outside the box by coaching yourself to be more creative. Aside from offering a fresh new perspective on things, thinking outside the box means transcending boundaries. It means not being confined to a set of rules or a manual because that is how everyone else does it. So don't confine yourself to traditional methods of service promotion. Consider how the world is changing. These days everything is about social networking, viral videos, etc. Why not use it to your advantage? This is what one particular user, who is a professional video editor, did. Seeing the popularity of the "Sh*t people say" videos, he created one about bad customer service representatives for a cable company. At the end of the video, he advertised his services, saying how he can prevent this from happening. This video gained 55,000 views in just a month. He was flooded with orders. This is clearly an example of thinking outside the box, and it resulted in a huge payoff.

"Thinking outside the box" is a common way of defining creativity. It comes from solving problems in different, innovative ways. It means a different way of looking at things. This is an important skill in today's Fiverr scenario. A large number of people possess great talent in a particular field. They offer the same services in the same way most people do. But to gain a competitive advantage, you need to think creatively. You need to think, "How can I do this differently?" or "How can I do this in a way that has never been done before?"

3.2 Incorporating Trends and Pop Culture

A great example of this would be a gig done by a freelance artist during the 2010 football World Cup. Using the popular demand for patriotic and supporting images and messages related to the country's teams taking part, he offered a service illustrating a person of the client's choice wearing a shirt supporting a particular team and shouting out a message written in a speech bubble. The gig was a huge success, and the artist had to pause the gig due to being overwhelmed with orders. Without it, he admits that he would have probably made far fewer sales and gained fewer regular clients.

Incorporating pop culture and trends into your gigs can often lead to a great deal of success by itself, as society is always looking for something new and different, and unique to talk about and share with their friends. Whether it's using a current event like football or a reality show to base a gig around, creating a caricature or funny story about a public figure, or reworking an already existing idea with a new twist, well-targeted pop culture and trend-based gigs have the potential to go viral and create a large demand for the particular service provided.

3.3 Adding a Unique Twist to Existing Services

The thing about Fiverr is that almost all of its buyers are there because they need something done. People buy what they think will be the most useful service at the time. Everybody else in the space is likely trying to provide that useful service, but you could separate yourself by adding a little twist to the normal services the buyer would purchase. Perhaps the buyer would like to get an article written to keep the content fresh on their website. Take that gig but offer to write a poem instead. Sometimes you may not get what the buyer is saying is the best method done and they would just prefer the poem. This would be a deviation from the normal article as the poet would want to keep that rhythm going for more writing. Another idea may be to provide the same service, but instead target a different demographic. More and more younger adults are visiting the website seeking help with a homework assignment. A homework assignment is usually an activity but if you could make a video tutorial explaining the concept of the assignment it might be very useful to visual learners that require help understanding the subject. The tutor would just be doing what he normally does to teach a student, but providing the service in this manner is a great way for him to tap into a different client base of students who may be looking for his specific method of instruction.

3.4 Showcasing Your Expertise and Passion

Demonstrate your expertise and showcase your passion for a particular concept when you create unique Fiverr gigs. You can take something that you are particularly knowledgeable in and turn it into an information product that can teach others. This is a great way to make money doing something that you love. For instance, if you are an avid chess player, you could create an eBook that teaches the reader how to enhance their chess skills and tactics. If you love to play a certain style of music, you could offer to write and record a song in that particular style for someone. The beauty of this is that it gives you a chance to do something that you enjoy, while providing a service relaying knowledge to people who are enthusiastic to learn. Another effective way to create a unique Fiverr gig that demonstrates your expertise is to offer something that solves a problem. People are constantly looking for ways to simplify their lives, and if you can offer something that provides a solution to an everyday problem, then there is likely to be a high demand for that particular service. Although everyone has their own areas of expertise, a good place to discover which problems need solving is browsing online forums. Use the search tool to find forums related to something that you are knowledgeable about and look for commonly asked questions. This can be a goldmine for potential gig ideas.

4. Promoting Your Gig for Maximum Exposure

Social media has become an excellent resource for freelancers to promote their gigs. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Digg, most forums/blogs, etc. All of these services will allow you to connect with people who might be interested in the services you provide on Fiverr. Some services such as Facebook even allow you to create ads that can target specific groups of people, increasing the chances of finding clients that are relevant to the gigs you are offering. When using social media to promote your gigs, you'll want to avoid spamming your links directly to your gig. People will be more likely to view and purchase your gigs if you have already constructed a good reputation around the content you provide. Try to build a following within your social media services by providing information or discussion related to other things in your field. If you are a video editor, try joining groups or forums related to amateur filmmakers. Share some tips and tricks, perhaps post some before and after video clips to impress people. If you are seen as a knowledgeable and skilled individual within your field, people will be more likely to seek your services. Once you have established a following, it is then much more appropriate to share your Fiverr links as the people who have found an interest in your previous discussions will ideally be interested in the services you provide. Always be open to answering questions or providing advice both publicly and privately as this personal touch can lead people to remember and recommend you. If you're providing quality service or advice for free, they will likely be interested in paid services. Fiverr has its very own forum where users can post requests or advertisements for Fiverr services. While plain advertising is generally ineffective, using the forums to make relevant and meaningful contributions to discussions will allow you to indirectly promote yourself. As a great deal of forums use avatars and signatures, you can catch attention of the other forum goers by making a humorous/interesting/informative image related to your field of work and link to your Fiverr profile. If people like the content you provide in the forum, they may take a quick look at your profile to see what gigs you are offering. Just be careful not to directly advertise or post links to your gigs, some forums have strict rules against this and you could find yourself banned.

4.1 Utilizing Social Media Platforms

Social media has become an important tool for marketing both goods and services. There are many outlets intended for this kind of promotion. That makes sense too considering at least 81% of Americans had a social media profile in 2017. For the most part, the various networks don't differ from each other in terms of promoting on them, as the main idea is to get it out to as many people as possible. There are a few key things to remember when promoting your Gig on social media and we'll discuss those shortly. First and foremost, it's always important to fully complete your profile. One thing common among social media platforms is that you are always able to share a little bit about yourself. This is a great time to tell people that you are a seller on Fiverr and make a direct statement to visit your profile page. Another aspect about fully completing your profile pertains to joining groups on Facebook. Joining a specific group is sometimes the only way to share your link without being considered a spammer. Most groups have a list of questions to answer before joining. Most will check your profile to ensure that you are an actual person and not some kind of ad bot. An incomplete profile may get you declined from joining these groups.

4.2 Engaging with Fiverr Communities

Keep in mind that promoting your gig in the main section of the Fiverr forum may not be appreciated by the forum community and can be a waste of time. Find creative ways to draw attention to your gig without directly asking people to buy your services.

In addition to the previous method, you can also gain the attention of a forum by running an interesting or entertaining promotion. A good example of this can be found in this thread, which promotes a now inactive gig. In the thread, the gig owner runs an internet game of 'assassins' which involves nearly 40 forum members! Although the game was unrelated to the gig, the gig owner was able to draw a lot of attention to it. This sort of creative promotion can be very effective in drawing attention to a gig, but it is important to not overdo it and to avoid spamming.

If you are serious about promoting a gig on Fiverr, you will want to be an active participant in Fiverr's online forums, and you will likely be rewarded for doing so. Check the forum's off-topic section to find threads with high view counts. This is a good indication of what is a popular thread. You can use a thread's popularity to your advantage by creating an account with a name that is very similar to one of the posters in that popular thread. You can then use your alternate account to post a 'teaser' style advertisement for your gig. With some creativity, you can draw many views to your gig through the use of forum threads.

4.3 Collaborating with Influencers and Bloggers

Bloggers are similar in terms of an influencer. A blogger talks about a specific topic with writing and will often have people read about their opinions on specific things. Most bloggers will advertise with Google Ads, but as an advertiser, you want to find a direct way to get the blogger to talk about your product, let's say it's a game. You can offer the blogger to take a look at your game and play it. Often bloggers will play a game and talk about it if they enjoyed it for free. You can then come to an agreement and pay the blogger if he enjoyed it, only for him to write about it and share it. This is an automatic way to get the blogger to talk about it. Make sure to get all the information you can before inquiring an agreement.

Influencers are people with a large following who look to the influencer for pointers on various topics. Influencers are paid to talk about a certain product, game, etc. With millions of people watching the influencer, it can be an efficient way to advertise your gigs if you might be advertising a product. Influencers often have a discord with fans, voice calls, comment section, etc. What you can do is ask to talk to the influencer and see if you can come to an agreement to get the influencer to recommend the product/gig to his fans. Most influencers won't take more than 50% of what the product costs. It's quite cheap and efficient for an advertiser to spread the word. Make sure you get your information about their fanbase. Are they a group of 10-year-olds? Or a group of adults? This is important as it helps tailor your advertisement to meet the different demographics.




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